Lana 无缝短裤
Lana 无缝短裤为您带来光滑舒适的贴合感。我们的无缝面料非常柔软、有弹性、吸汗且透气,因此您可以专注于锻炼而不会分心。大腿处采用透气针织结构,可散发身体热量。
- 高腰腰带
- 吸汗排汗面料
- 紧密贴合,带来包裹身体的感觉
- 面料:87% 尼龙/13% 氨纶

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Explore the KEFI Lana Seamless Shorts
Unparalleled Comfort & Performance
Experience the perfect blend of comfort and performance as you move effortlessly through your workout. Our seamless knit construction ensures flexibility and support, making these shorts ideal for any fitness routine.
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